Amy Sillman
15 - Kick the Bucket (Loop for Portikus), 2016
Video, color, sound, Soundtrack by Amy Sillman, 1:10 min. Loop
Courtesy of the artist
Created for her solo exhibition THE ALL-OVER at Portikus in Frankfurt am Main, Kick the Bucket is an animation narrating the tragicomic story of the Coin-Collector. This one-minute work shows a series of unfortunate coincidences, inspired by a one-day excursion with students where everything went wrong. In the loop, a cat is run over and eaten, while two people meet, devour each other, only to be torn apart again. The movements and sequences were produced by overlaying various forms and scenes during the process of drawing. The humorous, cartoon-like narrative is driven by objects and bodies that dissolve into areas of yellow or fragmentary forms, yet are constantly reassembled.
Amy Sillman aptly dubs her short, distinctive animations “animated drawings.” In creating them, the artist works with an iPad drawing app as well as photographic images of analog drawings, which she superimposes and edits digitally.