Michaela Eichwald (*1967)
33 - Knotti Times II (The artist in her mid-forties), 2013
Mixed media on paper,
Kunstmuseum Bern, Stiftung Kunsthalle Bern

With lengths of over five metres, Michaela Eichwald’s (*1967, lives in Berlin) collages Knotti Times I and Knotti Times II (both 2013) require both distance and proximity in order to be fully apprehended. Modified newspaper clippings – including a cover of the magazine Text + Kritik from 1975, wedding invitations, and a nautical chart from East Germany have been pasted onto a paper background together with photographs or photocopies of older works and passages of text, all combining in a painterly manner. The assemblage of language and imagery testifies to Eichwald’s inextricable approach to text, composition and formal appearance, sometimes seemingly resisting being forced together into a whole. The titles of the exhibited works, which she dubs “Paintagen”, would seem to be a kind of amalgamation of direct experience, reflection, an analysis of the present and, in turn, an attempt to translate all this into language.
Source: https://www.stiftungkunsthallebern.ch/de/sammlung-eichwald-a72-2.html (Author: Geraldine Tedder)