Albert Anker
Schoolgirl with Blackboard and Sewing Basket [Schulmädchen mit Schiefertafel und Nähkörbchen], 1878
From 1875, Albert Anker produced numerous outdoor depictions of boys with exercise books and a blackboard under their arms. The first two portrayals of girls followed in 1878, one indoors and one outdoors in winter. The snowy landscape in the background and the girl’s simple woolen dress suggests a rural setting. The painting displays a harmonious color combination, comprising white, red, brown, and pale blue. The pupil stands out perfectly against the wintry gray-white sky. An interest in depicting school pupils went hand in hand with Anker’s involvement in school politics. The artist was a long-time member of the parish council and the school commission in Ins (and was even its president from 1893–1899). From 1870 to 1874 he was also a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Bern (the canton’s parliament) and very familiar with all matters relating to schools. As the father of a family of six, Anker was dependent on clients and painted what the educational elite of the time wanted to be portrayed as an achievement.